To Be A Wild Rose

In our world of stumbling through
is life to be a hybrid rose,
earthly virtue bent towards human glory?

[Or might I be a wild rose…]

Yet only in Dhè is my being quiet
Crìost stills my passion’s roar
bathes my ears in silent beauty.

[...on tangled vines…]

Beyond words my silence is praise
for I have truly entered His love,
He who casts out all fear.

[…with sweet fragrance…]

The power of Crìost and Spiorad Naomh
burns inside loves pathos for the stranger,
loves wisdom for my neighbour.

[ …floral nectar foraged…]

My own freedom I give to one worthy
who opens Heaven’s scroll, breaks each seal,
His voice of thunder speaks.

[ … nurtured by Mac Dhè…]

The exaltation of wisdom’s power
Crìost unhindered I encounter,
to Him who is beauty I hymn.

[…to be His wild rose. ]

© Craig A Roberts, 2024

Scots Gaelic Terms
Crìost: Christ
Dhè: God
Spiorad Naomh: Holy Spirit.
Mac Dhè: Son of God

Photo: Author
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