From Ancient Soil 

 I breathe earth’s winds, wait for the new dawn. 

On ancient Gàidhealtach soil my ancestors waited too.

Unsettled they left, sojourned in fierce seas –

became tangata tiriti  on tectonic isles.

Here I write, beneath Kapakapanui’s peak,

grafted in the Tree of Life.


“Gàidhealtach”: Scots Gaelic meaning ”Scottish Highlands’.

“Tāngata tiriti”: Te Reo Maori meaning ‘people of the Treaty of Waitangi’.

Craig A. Roberts Ph.D

About Craig

Poet Craig A. Roberts, tangata-tiriti, lives between the mountains and the sea on Kapiti Coast, Aotearoa New Zealand. There is a mountain close by called Kapakapanui. From its slopes and valleys flow the waters of the Waikanae River. His father’s forbears left their beloved mountains and glens of Perthshire Highlands, Scotland, to Glasgow, and his mother’s left fields of Whitfield, Northumbria. Over the generations the journeys of Craig’s forebears brought them to these antipodean isles. 

Craig, an applied social scientist, holds a PhD in leader-follower relations. He worked alongside leaders crossing the ocean of change. Nowadays he writes through a Celtic lens on the restorative grace of Solas Chrìost [Christ’s Light] transforming yesterday’s fight with tomorrow’s life. 

He has published five books on journeying with Ìosa Crìost amid the ‘otherness of life’ around us.

When asked to express his core Christian beliefs he says there is One God Father Almighty and recites this poem:

Pilgrim Journeys

We are partakers of God 

through the Holy Spirit.

We are transformed by God

through the power of the Cross.

We become made fully human,

the image of Christ - the glory of God.

It’s an intimate journey 

with our Triune God.


An Gèadh Fiadhaich 

As you read Craig’s writings you will find he draws treasured phrases from the poetic language of his forebears, Scots-Gaelic. 

The Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) also has a poetic name  used by Celts, The Wild Goose. In Craig’s writings he transcends our cluttered urban worlds, comfortable cultural norms and tamed imaginations using the Scots-Gaelic name for The Wild Goose, An Gèadh Fiadhaich.

Anthropologist Brian Fagan in his book ‘The Little Ice Age’ records how in the eighth century Irish Monks, skilled seamen, often followed the Spring migration of wild geese as far north as Iceland. As they journeyed across dangerous seas towards hidden lands they placed their trust and lives in these wild geese.

The monks did not settle permanently on isles in these journeys, these were pilgrim journeys. As they journeyed the monks listened for and followed the call of the Holy Spirit with a deep sensitivity and commitment, just as they did in following the wild geese. Their practical accomplishment as ocean sailors to follow the wild geese and their pilgrimage to follow the Holy Spirit were inseparable as lungs are to our breath.

The name  ‘An Gèadh Fiadhaich’ permits us to engage with the Holy Spirit with deeper Celtic intimacy. It calls us pause for just a moment to reflect afresh on the movement of God’s Spirit within, before, beyond and through us.

Spend a few moments with these two poems:

 Heart of the Wild Goose.

An Gèadh Fiadhaich