Crois Chill Daltain

The cross at the church of the foster-son.

 Crois Chill Daltain (Kildalton Cross) stands on the Isle of Islay, Inner Hebrides Scotland. Its name comes from the poetic Gaelic name for the beloved disciple, Saint John the Evangelist. 

Said to be built by monks from Iona in the style of the Pict stone-masons, it is a remarkable cross. Each face tells tales of resurrection power of the cross; the front face of this mono- lithic high cross uses Pictish Pagan imagery pointing to an afterlife—symbolized by the snake—with Ìosa Crìost (Jesus Christ), while the opposite face is rich in biblical imagery.

Upon this cross the Pict saw their indigenous imagery of the afterlife respectfully placed on the cross silently pointing to the resurrected Christ. The other side has a mosaic of biblical imagery reflecting wonders of God. This ancient high Celtic cross today silently invites a deep response from the voyaging Christian and contemporary Pagan pilgrim. 

This cross respectfully stands on a border between two worlds—and “Waymarks for the Pilgrim Journey” is my attempt to do the same in book form. 

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