Antipodean Courtship
A Fable
Unimpeded ocean flows,
tempestuous winds, water, ice
encircle the realm of southern isles -
volcanoes who defy ocean’s writhe.
Here, two albatross wander,
feed, breed, dance together.
Courtship’s unshattered dance binds
together till death, lovers forever.
But comes a day, a notorious act shatters:
a longline maelstrom snares her plumes,
his soul seared, her life broken -
an empty vestment beneath the waves.
The sun’s fingers massage his back,
warms his skull, sinewed flesh and breath.
His soul confined by grief’s spell
where dark spaces close light's door.
On the edge between external vestment
and internal truth, there is only grief -
a piercing blade, a desolate moment
where dignity of his seared soul dissolves.
Desolation drives his soul to flee
life’s love stolen by human ways.
On huge broad wings he glides,
wanders wayward o'er Antipodes.
Alone on the wind, undisturbed
above crashing elusive waves,
over horizon’s edge, the albatross
turns to face what’s in his mortal midst.
Dawn's rays enter, darkness' edge flees,
his Creator nudges within.
Gently through desolation’s storm
a courtship dance with Christ is born.
© Craig A Roberts, 2024
Read more poetic tales of Aotearoa New Zealand Wildlife in : Waymarks for the Celtic Pilgrim Journey: Meditations and Prayers from Aotearoa New Zealand
Photo: Adobestock