Waypoints - Reflection

Expectations of security,
orientation and certainties,
all overturned by leviathan storms.
Bewildered by disorientation,
We grapple for reorientation.
God’s grace alone sustains us,
we modern Ninevehs.

Each storm we face a choice:—
The way of Jonah: to flee,-
Our smouldering anger
confounding desire—
or the way of Paul:
to voyage on in Crìost
all in all, here and there
come what may.

The Waymarks:
Waymark 1: Voyage
Waymark 2: Intimacy
Waymark 3: Essence
Waymark 4: Angle of Vision
Waymark 5: Rhythm
Waymark 6: Voice
Waymark 7: Reach
Waymark 8: Waypoints

Read more about the eighth Waymark: Waypoints.
Waymarks for the Pilgrim Journey: Meditations and Prayers from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Published by Anamchara Books, New York.
© Craig A Roberts, 2024. 

Available from most online book stores.

Photo: Adobe Stock
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