To Be A Wild Rose

Might I be a wild rose…

In our world of stumbling through
is life to be a hybrid rose,
earthly virtue bent towards human glory?

...on tangled vines…

Yet only in Dhè is my being quiet
Crìost stills my passion’s roar
bathes my ears in silent beauty.

…with sweet fragrance…

Beyond words my silence is praise
for I have truly entered His love,
He who casts out all fear.

…floral nectar foraged…

The power of Crìost and Spiorad Naomh
burns inside loves pathos for the stranger,
loves wisdom for my neighbour.

… nurtured by Mac Dhè…

My own freedom I give to one worthy
who opens Heaven’s scroll, breaks each seal,
His voice of thunder speaks.

…to be His wild rose?

The exaltation of wisdom’s power
Crìost unhindered I encounter,
to Him who is beauty I hymn.

I shall be a wild rose, on tangled vines
with sweet fragrance, floral nectar foraged,
nurtured by Mac Dhè, His joyful rambler.

© Craig A Roberts, 2024

Scots Gaelic Terms
Crìost: Christ
Dhè: God
Spiorad Naomh: Holy Spirit.
Mac Dhè: Son of God

Photo: Author
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