‘Creator’s Touch’ – “Once shaped by worldly powers,
now a work of my Creator’s hands…”
Author Archives: @greywarbler
…You let my past fall away,
to find joy in You instead…
…And I encouraged in heart,
challenged in mind, with joyful soul,
choose to walk on unstable ground.
…Fences built to curtail Christ’s call
to journey with the Trinity.
Yet in Christ’s power I am free…
‘Creator’s Touch’ – “Once shaped by worldly powers,
now a work of my Creator’s hands…”
Uplifting poem when journeying with God down unexpected paths.
Voyage on, follow Christ’s untamed wind…
A recital of a voyager’s tale of brokenness and restoration.
Vocations’ call to prayer. Slow wisdom of relatedness births alternative possibilities.
Warming the hearts of others who come our way.