Wild Kelp

An Gèadh Fiadhaich counsels me,
“Seek the counsel of wild kelp":

Kelp the sea's canopy of life
takes counsel from the ocean,
the ocean takes counsel from the wind,
the wind takes counsel from the Eye of the Day,
and the Eye of the Day takes counsel of Righ nan Dùl.”

To reject the counsel of Wild Kelp
would seem like treason.
© Craig A Roberts, 2024

Scots Gaelic Glossary
An Gèadh Fiadhaich: “The Wild Goose”, the poetic name for the Holy Spirit - untamed by humanity.
Righ nan Dùl: Lord of the Universe.
Eye of the Day (Sùil An Latha): Poetic name of the sun.

Photo: Wild kelp in Kaikoura, New Zealand. © Ariel Ophelia / Flickr
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