A voyagers tale of brokenness and restoration. Sail Again With Me [Part I: The voyager thwarted] His heart fatigued by tempest unrelenting, sailing the wildest seas, thwarted by moon’s strength, mighty winds, oceans moods, he languished upon endless waves. His eyes fallen dulled, he lost sight of his way. Broken, taken by a rogue wave. The voyager numb, his mind awash amidst wild waves, wailed; “Why? Why oh why did I venture so far, into seas of fiercest storms? A blitz of waves see me as prey - plankton before the whale. An Gèadh Fiadhaich came close, reached out: “Hear my call; Leave sheltered shores, don’t fear wild seas, sail again with Me. Over wildest seas we’ll journey, Grasp the boat, let My breath be yours. Fear not ocean storms, nor rogue waves, feel my peace, rest your eyes on Me.” ~~~~~ [Part II: The ocean’s subterfuge] Surf dumps on steep stony shores, wild seas pound, seaweed thrown thick and high - such force, so fierce - here the voyager lies, washed up on settled lands, eyes open - survived. Beyond oceans reach, on settled lands, the waves becalmed, the sky just blues; here this Jonah ponders oceans ways: Its relentless pursuit to tear him down, a subterfuge to shift his eyes to sails and waves - undermine his will. An Gèadh Fiadhaich loved, forgave him: “Hear my call; Leave sheltered shores, don’t fear wild seas, sail again with Me. Over wildest seas we’ll journey, Take the helm, My breath fills your sail. Fear not ocean storms, nor rogue waves, know my peace, keep your eyes on Me.” ~~~~~ [Part III: The boat’s travail ] Awash with grief, the voyager lost, the boat groaned, cried a lament. Sea creatures rallied: in wild currents, amid ferocious squalls, kept it afloat. Against the pull of the tide. they sought the boat’s sailor. Orcas nudged, guided its motion, giant squids hauled her over the seas, dolphins led, surfed the breakers; ocean’s wild creatures pursued him, trailed him, found his safe refuge. An Gèadh Fiadhaich restored, blessed him: “Hear my call; Leave sheltered shores, don’t fear wild seas, sail again with Me. Over wildest seas we’ll journey, work the sails, be guided by My breath. Fear not ocean storms, nor rogue waves, be at peace, let My eyes be yours.” A poetic tale from Vocation as Resistance © Craig A. Roberts 2022. (paperback, ebook, audio book)
An Gèadh Fiadhaich: Scots Gaelic for the Wild Goose – symbolising the wonder of the Holy Spirit forever untamed by humanity.
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