Stronger than Dread is Love

Pandemic’s utterance to the urban dweller:
“Fear the loss of breath,
I am coming soon.”
For it caressed him with its voice
till dread drained his soul.

Fear closed the cafe -
people don’t come anymore.
How sits he alone,
exiled to his home
on a street once filled with song?

Consumed by fear
he sees death of his dreams.
He has no consoler,
groans through the night,
finds no rest in sleep.

His eyes worn out with tears
till sun rays touch his face,
He wakes, soul churning:

“How long shall I live
under pandemic’s curse?
See, O Lord, my anguish.
Dread slays me deep inside,
ensnares my hopes - dares them to rise.

Who summoned this foe
to encircle my mind?
You hear me groan.
Yet, stronger than dread
 is Your love for me!

How long must I wait
till these streets fill with song?
My breath is in Your hands.
Amidst pandemic’s rage
Christ restore hope within, Your way.”

A poem from Vocation as Resistance © Craig A. Roberts 2022. 
(paperback, ebook, audio book)

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