
Heavenly Father bless to me this day
an inner ear, meek before You:
Hears Divine sonance of love and pain -
Your utterance to creation’s groan,
Your pathos for the human condition.

Jesus Christ resurrect 
a discerning heart that seeks Your way:
hears intimate whispers of Your voice
amidst the noise of this vexed age -
loves sonance of outpoured grace.

Holy Spirit tune my mind,
to hear the Trinity’s cadence.
My inner sensory life transformed,
Christ awakens my senses to hear 
the untamed incarnate Word.

Holy Trinity touch our souls,
let each breath resonate 
Divine sonance of love and pain -
reverberate Heaven’s tongue
throughout the empires of the earth.
A poetic tale from Vocation as Resistance © Craig A. Roberts 2022. 
(paperback, ebook, audio book)

Note: Sonance – The quality of sound sensed by the body.

Photo: Adobestock

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